markhillary: Lse library
markhillary: LSE Authoring a PhD workshop 1
markhillary: Sandra's book launch for 'Knowledge in Context'
markhillary: Sir Howard Davies introduces the evening
markhillary: Sandra's book launch for 'Knowledge in Context'
markhillary: Sandra's book launch for 'Knowledge in Context'
markhillary: Graffiti at the London School of Economics
markhillary: Sir Howard Davies introduces the LSE debate
markhillary: George Osborne MP, Shadow Chancellor
markhillary: LSE panel discussion on the British economy
markhillary: Lord Geoffrey Howe asks questions
markhillary: Lord Nigel Lawson takes the mic
markhillary: LSE Seminar notes
markhillary: LSE seminar notes
markhillary: LSE Seminar
markhillary: London School of Economics
markhillary: LSE Seminar
markhillary: Social Psychology Christmas Party at the LSE
markhillary: Garrick Jones at LSE Craft Seminar
markhillary: LSE Craft Seminar
markhillary: Craft & Design Seminar at LSE
markhillary: Marta and Agi at the LSE reception
markhillary: Cobra beer
markhillary: Arun Aggarwal from TCS at the LSE reception
markhillary: Debate at the London School of Economics
markhillary: Debate at the London School of Economics