uqbar!: Cheshire, Sarah, and The Cake
uqbar!: Me and Cheshire
uqbar!: Me and The Other Big-Eared Dog
uqbar!: Me and Stevie and Merlin
uqbar!: Christmas Eve in Santa Monica
uqbar!: You Are Going to Have a Comfortable Life
uqbar!: My Uncle Mel's Wedding Photo
uqbar!: My Grandpa Irving and Grandma Mary With My Cousin Jeff as a Baby
uqbar!: Sammy In The Tube
uqbar!: Mitch and Sammy
uqbar!: Mitch and Sammy
uqbar!: Part of the Whisky Selection at Fette Sau, Williamsburg
uqbar!: Coffee in Mason Jar at Eat in Greenpoint
uqbar!: Chuck is a Real New Yorker Now
uqbar!: Chuck and the Tauntaun II
uqbar!: Chuck and the Tauntaun I
uqbar!: Greg and Chuck, Preparty
uqbar!: Chuck Getting a Little NYE Exercise On Greg and Susan's Elliptical
uqbar!: Keep the Donut Away From the Baby
uqbar!: To Later Egypt Galleries, Brooklyn Museum
uqbar!: To Later Egypt Galleries, Brooklyn Museum
uqbar!: Meeting With the Ancients, Brooklyn Museum
uqbar!: Chuck and Mark in Front of The Standard Hotel, Above the High Line
uqbar!: Poem by Lynn Gentry
uqbar!: Hush Puppies from Aunt Mary's in Oakland
uqbar!: Zipper Monster Sculpture @ Art Murmur
uqbar!: Zipper Monster Sculpture @ Art Murmur
uqbar!: Gallery Display @ Art Murmur
uqbar!: Star Trek Sculpture @ Art Murmur