MarkG2009: Artists Way in Death Valley
MarkG2009: Artists Way II
MarkG2009: Artists way
MarkG2009: Artists Way Rocks
MarkG2009: Rocks at Artists Way
MarkG2009: Rocks at Artists Way
MarkG2009: Rock at Artists Way
MarkG2009: Rocks at Artists Way
MarkG2009: Artists Way Rocks
MarkG2009: Artist Way Rocks
MarkG2009: Artist Way Rocks
MarkG2009: The car we rented
MarkG2009: Rocks
MarkG2009: A skull in the rocks?
MarkG2009: Skull?
MarkG2009: A long and winding road (Death Valley)
MarkG2009: Artists Way
MarkG2009: Artists Way (Death Valley)
MarkG2009: Artists Way at Sunset
MarkG2009: Artist Way LV
MarkG2009: Artist Way II
MarkG2009: Shadow Catcher
MarkG2009: David in Motion
MarkG2009: Adams Leaning Wheel Grader No.2C
MarkG2009: Sunstopper
MarkG2009: Death V
MarkG2009: Bad Ass Shadow
MarkG2009: High Five
MarkG2009: Daddy Longlegs
MarkG2009: Wheely Good Shadow