markforsythe: hehe he's gotta camera
markforsythe: Buffalo
markforsythe: Open Wide
markforsythe: Cheese
markforsythe: The Camels
markforsythe: Buffalo
markforsythe: Wait for me
markforsythe: The Camels
markforsythe: The Cool Camel
markforsythe: IMG_2729
markforsythe: IMG_2727
markforsythe: IMG_2763
markforsythe: IMG_2749
markforsythe: IMG_2746
markforsythe: IMG_2742
markforsythe: IMG_2739
markforsythe: IMG_2768
markforsythe: IMG_2767
markforsythe: IMG_2765
markforsythe: They like portraits
markforsythe: Hand feeding
markforsythe: The Dali Llama
markforsythe: Misty the Llama
markforsythe: Ostrich
markforsythe: Ostrich
markforsythe: Ostrich
markforsythe: D-a-a-a-a-d-d-d-d-dy-y-y-y-