mad_markd: Mark & Susan at the Corn Palace
mad_markd: Mark & Susan at the the Corn Palace
mad_markd: Jefferson sleeps while we drive on Vacation
mad_markd: Mark & Susan at Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Mark & Jefferson at the Corn Palace
mad_markd: Jefferson meeting the Corn Palace mascot
mad_markd: Jefferson pretending taking a picture with a tiny camera
mad_markd: The Wall Drug signs are everywhere in S.D.
mad_markd: Jefferson at Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Jefferson taking photos of Susan - Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Susan and Jefferson at Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Beware of Snakes sign - Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Scenic View at Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Jefferson at Badlands National Park
mad_markd: Susan drinks free Wall Drug Water
mad_markd: Mark at Wall Drug
mad_markd: Susan & Jefferson at Wall Drug
mad_markd: Susan & Jefferson enjoying a Soda on Vacation
mad_markd: Pres. Obama's Head making it's way to Presidents Sculpture Garden
mad_markd: Mt. Rushmore through a tunnel
mad_markd: Long Distance shot of Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Donkey asking for food inside our car Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Lake at Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Jefferson at Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Indian Dance at Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Family Photo at Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Mt. Rushmore - President Washington's Head
mad_markd: Jefferson sworn in as a Ranger at Mt. Rushmore
mad_markd: Snake Show at Reptile Gardens
mad_markd: Prairie Dogs at Reptile Gardens