thor_mark : Mountain Goat in the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and Black Hills
thor_mark : Faces on a Mountain Hidden in Clouds (Analog Efex Pro 2, Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : Faces on a Mountain Hidden in Clouds (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : Hidden in Clouds But Coming Out...Slowly
thor_mark : People Walking the Promenade and Avenue of Flags to Mount Rushmore
thor_mark : The Clouds Were Clearing to Take in Mount Rushmore and the Faces of Four Presidents
thor_mark : The Clouds Were Clearing to Take in Mount Rushmore and the Faces of Four Presidents (Black & White)
thor_mark : A Portrait of Four Presidents Carved in Stone on a Mountainside (Black & White, Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : So There I Was Driving Along... (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : Mount Rushmore Through a Tunnel
thor_mark : We All Wanted to See the Famous Sculptured Faces of Mount Rushmore
thor_mark : #findyourpark (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : Directors Finder (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : A Monumental Sculpture of US Presidents Carved into a Mountainside (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)
thor_mark : I'd Started My Trip at This Point and Finished it Here (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)