marksdk: Øresundsbron from above. Sure sign of home.
marksdk: An ad in an airport for a movie about a guy living in airports.
marksdk: "Dad, can you complete this level for me?"
marksdk: Trains.
marksdk: Sunrise over Hamburg
marksdk: St. Michaelis Church
marksdk: Sunrise in Hamburg. A sure sign you're up way too early.
marksdk: Waterpolo Whale
marksdk: Gegen Rechts
marksdk: Typography wall
marksdk: Deceptive people are everywhere
marksdk: Ceiling at Café Paris
marksdk: This is fun. In Danish.
marksdk: Kick the button to flush the toilet
marksdk: Mygdal proclaims that Danes don't lie
marksdk: When the elevator filled up, so did the man-icon.
marksdk: How do Germans feel about Danish products? The same way we feel about their?
marksdk: Generic hotel room
marksdk: We took your door. Yes, we know there's two seperate beds in your room. But still.
marksdk: Not just better. Different. We even took away your bathroom door.
marksdk: RFID card
marksdk: Flying to Hamburg
marksdk: Battersea Power Station
marksdk: Lots and lots of cheese
marksdk: London
marksdk: London. Market.
marksdk: Amazing copywriting
marksdk: Sunny London
marksdk: Sunny London
marksdk: London corner