Bingley Hall: PG Pagottan 1
Bingley Hall: Slamet
Bingley Hall: The 'beast' of Pagottan
Bingley Hall: Pesantren Mallet
Bingley Hall: Mallets at Rejoagung
Bingley Hall: Indonesia - Rejo Agung no.9
Bingley Hall: Indonesia steam - 21 Rejo Agung
Bingley Hall: Indonesia steam - 15 Rejo Agung
Bingley Hall: Kanigoro 1
Bingley Hall: Purwodadi 16
Bingley Hall: Rejoagung 15
Bingley Hall: Rejoagung 12
Bingley Hall: Pagottan number 8
Bingley Hall: Pagottan 7
Bingley Hall: Rejo Adjung 17
Bingley Hall: Kanigoro 5
Bingley Hall: Merapi
Bingley Hall: Kanigoro 1
Bingley Hall: Pagottan 8a_1600
Bingley Hall: Purwodadi 8
Bingley Hall: Purwodadi 8_August 1978