markandblythe: oh, tinsel tree!
markandblythe: turn on the magical colored lights!
markandblythe: the obvious gift for the sophisticated gentleman
markandblythe: Sam & Helen give awesome X-mas presents!
markandblythe: Blythe doll's X-mas display
markandblythe: GI Joe guards my Astronaut helmet (part of the infamous "ice cream man" space suit)
markandblythe: Pac-Man ornament set made by Blythe!
markandblythe: Ms. Pac Man at the UC Davis Arcade
markandblythe: Felty tree made by me!
markandblythe: Mark, the little diver boy
markandblythe: arctic explorer dude
markandblythe: She really loves American beer!
markandblythe: Come on over for a drink!
markandblythe: candy cupboard is hella cheap!
markandblythe: gum for 25cents??? inflation sucks!!
markandblythe: giant ice cream cone w/ vintage sign
markandblythe: coke adds life to EVERYTHING!!! COKE IS LIFE~
markandblythe: take your vitamins daily.
markandblythe: blythe's bipolar altar
markandblythe: we've tried several times, but neither of us have ESP...
markandblythe: the polaroid swinger bot
markandblythe: pieces of our playboy collection
markandblythe: gots to keep those nips warm
markandblythe: cozy nuts
markandblythe: we won mark farina's shoes!
markandblythe: Mark's majorly rad comic book rack!!!
markandblythe: definitely ask for the special sauce
markandblythe: Luckily, Mark still has a tape player
markandblythe: hell yeah...
markandblythe: birdies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!