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Vintage Amarillo images by M Potter
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M Potter
Trade Winds Motor Hotel, Amarillo, TX - ca 1959
M Potter
Elite Motel, Amarillo TX - 1950s
M Potter
True Rest Motel ad, Amarillo TX - 1966
M Potter
Ramada Inn - 1001 East Amarillo Blvd., 1960s
M Potter
Park Plaza and True Rest motel ads, 1953
M Potter
Broncho Lodge ad, 1953
M Potter
Colonial Manor Motel ad, 1965
M Potter
Plainsman and Trade Winds motel ads, 1966
M Potter
Farrell Manor motel ad, 1966
M Potter
Dock Coffee Pontiac ad, 1960s
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 1
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 4
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 5
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 2
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 3
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 6
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 7
M Potter
Amarillo restaurant listings, 1965 8
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 2
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 1
M Potter
Amarillo motel listings, 1965 01
M Potter
Amarillo motel listings, 1965 02
M Potter
Amarillo motel listings, 1965 03
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 3
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 4
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 5
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 6
M Potter
Amarillo serv sta listings, 1965 7
M Potter
Spanish Courts postcard
M Potter
Holiday Inn West postcard, Amarillo
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