mark4harrison: A0061985 lights celestial and earthly
mark4harrison: A0061982 tunnel of light
mark4harrison: AC061971 starlight
mark4harrison: A0061970 lights celestial and earthly
mark4harrison: A0061963 moonlight
mark4harrison: A0061959 Merry Christmas everyone! (midwinter lights)
mark4harrison: A0061960 the rarely observed light deer
mark4harrison: P1010164 sunset on Hyde Park
mark4harrison: P1010163 sunset on Hyde Park
mark4harrison: DSCF0975 a worm's eye lens
mark4harrison: DSCF0967 a walk in the woods
mark4harrison: DSCF0981 dusk on the Great Ouse
mark4harrison: DSCF0986 dusk on the Great Ouse
mark4harrison: DSCF0990 dawn on the Great Ouse
mark4harrison: DSCF0991 dawn on the Great Ouse
mark4harrison: A0262006 the lowlands stretched out under a peaceful sky
mark4harrison: A0262007 the wind chill drove them into the shelter of a narrow cleft
mark4harrison: A0262008 the trees swarmed across the hillside
mark4harrison: A0262010 screened
mark4harrison: A0262012 wind chill
mark4harrison: A0262014 keep left
mark4harrison: A0262018 just walking the dog
mark4harrison: A0262021 the sun was sinking in the West
mark4harrison: A0262024 the sun was sinking in the West
mark4harrison: P1010495 the end of adolescence
mark4harrison: P1010496 ducks being ducks
mark4harrison: P1010498 definitely a moorhen
mark4harrison: P1010515 snowberries
mark4harrison: P1010512 those eyes
mark4harrison: PANA0005 dog being dog