Yorkshire Rail: 45562,Skipton
Yorkshire Rail: 44800,Wakefield Kirkgate
Yorkshire Rail: 45675,Wakefield MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 77002,Wakefield MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 73000,Wakefield Kirkgate
Yorkshire Rail: 45593,Bradford Forster Square
Yorkshire Rail: 48439,Wakefield MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 44826,Wakefield MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 48537,Wakefield
Yorkshire Rail: 45562,Sheffield Midland
Yorkshire Rail: 73141,Normanton
Yorkshire Rail: 48439,Featherstone
Yorkshire Rail: 45697,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 90682,90351,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 42093,Normanton
Yorkshire Rail: 73053,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: In the cab of 90351
Yorkshire Rail: 44990,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 42093,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 45202,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 44761,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 44993,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 45209,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 92073,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 45134,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 44871,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 48684,Normanton
Yorkshire Rail: 44858,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 44910,Normanton MPD
Yorkshire Rail: 45255,Normanton MPD