Marja S: Loulou en Rocco in de sneeuw
Marja S: Loulou and Rocco
Marja S: Kleintjes in de sneeuwstorm
Marja S: Het viel niet mee voor de kleintjes
Marja S: Lou en Roc in de sneeuwstorm
Marja S: Fab en Pim in de sneeuw
Marja S: Pim en Fabio in de sneeuwstorm
Marja S: Pim en Fab in de sneeuw op het voetbalveld
Marja S: Pim en Fabio sneeuw
Marja S: First winter walk
Marja S: Murphy is suffering from the cold, despite his warm coat
Marja S: Cold sunrise
Marja S: Enjoying the tranquility during our morning walk
Marja S: No people around
Marja S: Lovely weather
Marja S: Loulou doesn't want to wait
Marja S: Pim is contemplating his next move
Marja S: Foggy
Marja S: Foggy, just a bit
Marja S: Happy I found my ball
Marja S: Got it
Marja S: I lost my ball
Marja S: Pimmie and his ball
Marja S: Our friends came to greet us again
Marja S: Murphy and Gina
Marja S: I like the water today. Well, every day actually.
Marja S: Fabio
Marja S: Battle for the stick
Marja S: I want the stick!
Marja S: Peer and his friends