Randy OHC: Morning in Greccio
Randy OHC: View from the entrance of our hotel in Greccio
Randy OHC: Mist in the valley - from Greccio
Randy OHC: Our hotel (appropriately Italian looking!)
Randy OHC: Stan points toward the monastery
Randy OHC: The Italian delegation
Randy OHC: Marciano, Giulia, and Jessy
Randy OHC: The Franciscan Sanctuary of Greccio from across the valley
Randy OHC: Looking from Greccio across the Rieti Valley
Randy OHC: One of the best views in all of monasticism!
Randy OHC: Looking back at the town of Greccio from the monastery
Randy OHC: Me at St. Francis' sleeping spot
Randy OHC: St. Francis slept here
Randy OHC: Cave where St. Francis celebrated Christmas in 1223
Randy OHC: St. Francis worships the Christ Child - Santuario di Francesco, Greccio
Randy OHC: Cave of St. Francis, Christmas 1223
Randy OHC: Church at Santuario di San Francesco, Greccio
Randy OHC: Church at Santuario di San Francesco, Greccio
Randy OHC: Santuario di San Francesco, Greccio
Randy OHC: Saint Francis and the lepers, Santuario di San Francesco, Greccio
Randy OHC: If you're ever here, turn back!
Randy OHC: Beginning our ascent
Randy OHC: Winding uphill
Randy OHC: The second hardest stretch of the trip - affectionately known as "Mount Doom"
Randy OHC: Name me!
Randy OHC: Cyclamen
Randy OHC: Cyclamen
Randy OHC: The girls ascending Mt. Doom
Randy OHC: Near the top of Mount Doom