Fighting Reality Photography: Pac Man cracker eating smoked oyster's defeat
Fighting Reality Photography: Gifts from Puerto Vallarta
Fighting Reality Photography: Close-up of Aztec calendar (profile)
Fighting Reality Photography: Close-up of Aztec calendar (landscape)
Fighting Reality Photography: Adan's Valentine Day present to me
Fighting Reality Photography: Coffee corner on my fridge
Fighting Reality Photography: I like these wooden ball magnets
Fighting Reality Photography: New York, here we come!
Fighting Reality Photography: Unplanned bird collection?
Fighting Reality Photography: Fist of Legend - I'm borrowing from a friend
Fighting Reality Photography: The fru-eets of the de-veel
Fighting Reality Photography: What I look like around the house
Fighting Reality Photography: Too lazy to frame
Fighting Reality Photography: See all the various sources of light?
Fighting Reality Photography: For some reason, I go dark with what I see.
Fighting Reality Photography: Then I see the dark and think "Oh, I should go lighter."
Fighting Reality Photography: He's really happy he got the lens for me.