Mari O. Thingelstad: 10 years later
Mari O. Thingelstad: Bloom bloom
Mari O. Thingelstad: So be yourself
Mari O. Thingelstad: Summertime in Central Park
Mari O. Thingelstad: NY-building into the sky
Mari O. Thingelstad: NY-building with reflection
Mari O. Thingelstad: Gas-station
Mari O. Thingelstad: South Beach
Mari O. Thingelstad: 110th street
Mari O. Thingelstad: View from the class-room
Mari O. Thingelstad: It´s me and me and me
Mari O. Thingelstad: Cowboygardiner
Mari O. Thingelstad: Hus og handlevogn
Mari O. Thingelstad: Open window
Mari O. Thingelstad: Window to the wild
Mari O. Thingelstad: New York wall