mgstanton: beverage of your choice
mgstanton: Headlight
mgstanton: pink sandals
mgstanton: Portrait shot
mgstanton: treatment
mgstanton: sunset dinner
mgstanton: Enjoying a laugh
mgstanton: you lookin' at me?
mgstanton: short people...
mgstanton: No Way!
mgstanton: Confetti rice salad
mgstanton: signs of hope
mgstanton: Got chocolate?
mgstanton: an imperfect bouquet
mgstanton: 1932 Studebaker
mgstanton: among the trees
mgstanton: the nest is about to be empty
mgstanton: how to be cool
mgstanton: Longfellow Bridge
mgstanton: summer reading?
mgstanton: family feet
mgstanton: yellow lights and fans
mgstanton: Manny, the Boston Terrier
mgstanton: Beers
mgstanton: keeping in shape
mgstanton: Berries
mgstanton: the technique
mgstanton: Rainbow!
mgstanton: clouds
mgstanton: what lies beneath