mgstanton: the train station
mgstanton: his master's voice...
mgstanton: someday...
mgstanton: Romping
mgstanton: Pond hockey joy
mgstanton: The color of rust
mgstanton: Park Street Church at night
mgstanton: spiral lights
mgstanton: coffee in the cold - HDR... sort of?
mgstanton: The Daisy
mgstanton: re-cycling at its best
mgstanton: long abandoned...
mgstanton: wingspan
mgstanton: higher aspirations
mgstanton: meditation in bloom -2
mgstanton: Cacti
mgstanton: candles on the hearth
mgstanton: strumming
mgstanton: wishful thinking
mgstanton: which apple do I want?
mgstanton: big dog, little dog
mgstanton: the black & white necklace
mgstanton: winter sunrise
mgstanton: colorful clips
mgstanton: cocktail dress
mgstanton: Snow on fence
mgstanton: One of these things is not like the others...
mgstanton: Dog on hearth