[eme]: in the middle
[eme]: highway to rain
[eme]: The hymn for the alcohol
[eme]: recuerdo #20: Tailandia: el paraíso / memory #20: Thailand: the paradise
[eme]: on the road to find out
[eme]: The hymn for the cigarettes
[eme]: elephant guy
[eme]: the street singer
[eme]: harvest sun
[eme]: bitter ironies II
[eme]: run
[eme]: the gas station
[eme]: your heart is an empty room
[eme]: la infancia / the childhood
[eme]: I.
[eme]: la burbuja inmobiliaria
[eme]: the night and the liquor
[eme]: exit ghost
[eme]: the painting
[eme]: the family; the eyes
[eme]: the fat monkey