Mario 2R: Cherchez la femme!
Mario 2R: La Belle et la Bretagne
Mario 2R: Luisa after lunch in Colares
Mario 2R: No woman is an island
Mario 2R: Crossing
Mario 2R: Magic tea
Mario 2R: No, she didn't...
Mario 2R: Get the bird
Mario 2R: dances with brooms
Mario 2R: There she is, again!
Mario 2R: Untitled
Mario 2R: Eating what he can...
Mario 2R: Flickr golfer chasing birdies
Mario 2R: Reading
Mario 2R: Biiiig sea
Mario 2R: On the beach
Mario 2R: Allways the sun...
Mario 2R: Women's
Mario 2R: on the move
Mario 2R: Parts
Mario 2R: Afternoon delight
Mario 2R: We must stop meeting like this...
Mario 2R: Almost lonely
Mario 2R: Siesta
Mario 2R: Lost
Mario 2R: Parallel universe
Mario 2R: Dunjeons and Dragons
Mario 2R: Abstracting