Mario.Q: Julio Franco
Mario.Q: Cleanup
Mario.Q: Warm Ups
Mario.Q: Stretching Out
Mario.Q: Friends Now...
Mario.Q: Poppin' My Collar
Mario.Q: Out of Sync
Mario.Q: High Kick
Mario.Q: Warm Ups
Mario.Q: More Maggs
Mario.Q: Van the Man
Mario.Q: Birdman
Mario.Q: Carlos Gomez
Mario.Q: Routine Grounder
Mario.Q: Sheff on the Move
Mario.Q: Maggs Sportin' the Shades
Mario.Q: Polanco on First
Mario.Q: Comerica Park is Alive!
Mario.Q: Hey, Beer Here!
Mario.Q: Warm Ups
Mario.Q: Oliver Perez
Mario.Q: Close Call
Mario.Q: Got 'em
Mario.Q: Packed House
Mario.Q: Polly Hits the Deck
Mario.Q: Rounding Thrid
Mario.Q: Time for a Change
Mario.Q: Fernando Rodney
Mario.Q: Tigers Win!