Mario.Q: CoPa
Mario.Q: Hafner
Mario.Q: The Grandyman
Mario.Q: Toss
Mario.Q: Hafner Digs In
Mario.Q: Maroth awaits the sign
Mario.Q: A visit from Chucky
Mario.Q: Fausto Carmona
Mario.Q: Toss
Mario.Q: Stepping Off
Mario.Q: Guillen readies for the pitch
Mario.Q: Pudge Hacks
Mario.Q: Hola!
Mario.Q: Long Toss
Mario.Q: Get 'er Done
Mario.Q: Back to Battle
Mario.Q: The Kick
Mario.Q: Who's Your Tiger???
Mario.Q: Motor City Maggs
Mario.Q: Catch
Mario.Q: Joe Borowski
Mario.Q: Iron Sheff
Mario.Q: Game Over