mariomath: caribbean fish
mariomath: poisson roche/rock fish/dangerous,venomous/look the eyes and the mouth
mariomath: énorme poisson de surface/big fish in surface/caribbean fish
mariomath: énorme poisson de surface/big fish in surface
mariomath: Poisson-coffre à points blancs-Smooth trunkfish- (Lactophrys triqueter)
mariomath: poisson triples-fishs
mariomath: yellowtail damselfish-bijou à queue jaune- Microspathodon chysurus
mariomath: POISSON-TROMPETTE/ trumpet-fish /HOLGUIN/CUBA
mariomath: POISSON-TROMPETTE/ trumpet-fish /HOLGUIN/CUBA
mariomath: du jaune et du bleu/ yellow and blue
mariomath: Poisson porc-épic/ Spotfin porcupine fish/holguin cuba