MarioG2009: Cariamanga sunset
MarioG2009: Colosus
MarioG2009: What passes by my window
MarioG2009: Earning a buck
MarioG2009: On the roof
MarioG2009: Waiting patiently
MarioG2009: Enticing
MarioG2009: Santos in the wall
MarioG2009: Awakennings
MarioG2009: Solitude and peace
MarioG2009: Catamayo
MarioG2009: Her kindom
MarioG2009: Ready for the fight
MarioG2009: Smile on the face and gold in the heart
MarioG2009: Sparkles and bubbles
MarioG2009: Curiosity
MarioG2009: Livelihood
MarioG2009: Ceibos from Ashimingo
MarioG2009: Lived to fight another day
MarioG2009: Cariamanga awakens
MarioG2009: The road ahead
MarioG2009: Memmories
MarioG2009: Knowledge and hope
MarioG2009: Future uncertain
MarioG2009: The true heroes
MarioG2009: Dreams
MarioG2009: Counting the days
MarioG2009: Warmth and hope
MarioG2009: The road behind
MarioG2009: Bridges and hope