Marinyu..: Winter in colours
Marinyu..: Garrulus glandarius hibernicus , colorful bird
Marinyu..: Seregélyhad?/ to flock Fieldfare
Marinyu..: "Parus major"
Marinyu..: The beginning....a későn kelőknek
Marinyu..: Winter guests .#4
Marinyu..: Végre nem csak hátúlról látjuk.Winter guests .#7
Marinyu..: This is all a many..many Waxwing. ..
Marinyu..: Ma reggel ..meg erre ébredtem
Marinyu..: Right fascinating ?
Marinyu..: Shivering in sunshine .
Marinyu..: Finally tenants...
Marinyu..: Sodden to the with feathers .
Marinyu..: Pigeon-sized birds in our garden . Typical features jay
Marinyu..: Prunella modularisnak I believed it and Turdus turned out merula.
Marinyu..: tits and hawfinch
Marinyu..: The TV is a rest on an aerial.
Marinyu..: Side elevation.Hungary protected conservation value :25.000, - Ft
Marinyu..: Chive the early morning light.
Marinyu..: Visual and fragrance . / Látvány és illat
Marinyu..: Greenfinch granivorous in the rain.
Marinyu..: Summer in rain, soaked jay .
Marinyu..: Autumnal pastel colors in the garden,
Marinyu..: Green woodpecker kind of
Marinyu..: Auroral Bulb tree crown / izzó fakorona
Marinyu..: Hovering .lebegve
Marinyu..: Globose shadow , autumn light phenomenon is
Marinyu..: IMG_54651
Marinyu..: Bevy concourse in Budapest / csoportolulás
Marinyu..: close shot