╮(╯_╰)╭...: 然後我終於明白 Then I finally realized
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 有時那裏充滿隱喻 Sometimes it looked metaphoric up there
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 那些枝微末節 Those tiny details
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 有藍天,但,還沒
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 早上醒來 When I wake up in the morning
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 有時也會下雪 There is snow sometimes
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 冬天的時候 In the pale winter sky
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 窗外 From the window
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 她曾經盛開過 She's once in full bloom.
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 告訴我,小綠人 Tell me, Little Green
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 告訴我,小綠人 Tell me, Little Green #3
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 失戀的人這麼多,在Flickr
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 告訴我,小綠人 Tell me, Little Green #4
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 房子 House
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 愛是固執的 Love is obstinate
╮(╯_╰)╭...: My KONIFLEX
╮(╯_╰)╭...: Fly me, out of this world
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 再抬頭已是春天
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 我的照相館 My own photo lab
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 夏天的風 summer breeze
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 告訴我,小綠人 Tell me, Little Green #8
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 窗外 Outside the window
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 我偶而會早起 i get up early, occasionally
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 看風景 sightseeing
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 一隻貓的日常生活 a cat's daily life
╮(╯_╰)╭...: 一隻貓的小世界 a cat's little world