Bart Mariner:
Sony a6000 with Macro rings adapter set
Bart Mariner:
Jatropha integerrima - Peregrina tree
Bart Mariner:
Portlandia latiflora - Bell flower
Bart Mariner:
Kopsia arborea
Bart Mariner:
Thumbergia erecta
Bart Mariner:
Calotropis gigantea
Bart Mariner:
Butterfly Orchid Tree - Bauhinia Divaricata
Bart Mariner:
Cannonball tree flower close-up - Couroupita guianensis, striking as usual!
Bart Mariner:
Fallen flowers of Jacaranda cuspidifolia
Bart Mariner:
Heliconia stricta sp.
Bart Mariner:
Calathea burle-marxii 'Ice Blue'
Bart Mariner:
Pseudomusaenda Flava, in the butterfly Garden
Bart Mariner:
Delicate leaves of Maidenhair fern - Adiantum sp
Bart Mariner:
Morinda latibractea - nice till the last raindrop...
Bart Mariner:
Natural Bouquet of "Arachnothryx Leucophylla" ( Rubiaceae)
Bart Mariner:
White and Pink Pentas -Pentas lanceolata- seen at the Butterfly Garden
Bart Mariner:
Tropical Milkweed, Asclepias curassavica seen at the Butterfly Garden
Bart Mariner:
Red Pentas -Pentas lanceolata- seen at the Butterfly Garden
Bart Mariner:
Delicate flowers of Scorpion's Tail seen at the Butterfly Garden (Heliotropium angiospermum)
Bart Mariner:
Pentas Bouquet with Bokeh
Bart Mariner:
Fly, Little Seed, Fly...
Bart Mariner:
This messy hair early in the mornings...
Bart Mariner:
Wild Grass Daisy
Bart Mariner:
3 Orchid Macro Options
Bart Mariner:
Yellow Macro. Solandra maxima. Golden Chalice vine
Bart Mariner:
Thunbergia grandiflora, Clock Vine
Bart Mariner:
Red Poles. Acalypha Hispida
Bart Mariner:
The Beautiful Contrast of the Queen's Wreath Vine Flowers - Petrea volubilis
Bart Mariner:
"Fireworks" of Monkey Brush Flower - Combretum aubletii
Bart Mariner:
There is Something Mysterious in the Yellow Throat of the Thumbergia