Bart Mariner:
The procession pauses before entering Corpus Christi church. It's 12am on Good Friday night.
Bart Mariner:
Censer bathed in the police car blue light. Incensario
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Damas con mantilla. Black is the mourning color in the Spanish tradition
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Crowds follow the procession with candles
Bart Mariner:
Damas con mantilla. Black is the mourning color in the Spanish tradition
Bart Mariner:
At Saint John the Baptist mission a statue of Jesus recumbent joins the procession
Bart Mariner:
Dama con mantilla. Black is the mourning color in the Spanish tradition
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Jesus Nazarene followed by Our Lady of Hope
Bart Mariner:
Dama con mantilla reacts to the words of the passion of Christ
Bart Mariner:
Jesus Nazareno
Bart Mariner:
Dama con mantilla. Black is the mourning color in the Spanish tradition
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Torch bearer
Bart Mariner:
La Virgen Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza Macarena
Bart Mariner:
Hermanos de la Cofradía
Bart Mariner:
Un joven reflexiona escuchando el relato de la pasión de Cristo
Bart Mariner:
La Virgen Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza Macarena
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Censer - Incensario
Bart Mariner:
Torch bearer
Bart Mariner:
Los acólitos se preparan para la procesión
Bart Mariner:
Jesus Nazareno waits while sad "saetas" are sung
Bart Mariner:
The Candle Beholder