koen_jacobs: Move that bass!
JH_1982: Sunset, Near Sesriem, Namibia
JH_1982: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
JH_1982: White rhinoceros, Waterberg Plateau NP, Namibia
Francis =Photography=: Objectif atteint! (Goal achieved!)
Francis =Photography=: Une bienfaitrice dans un bain de lumière
Francis =Photography=: Un papillon parasité!
Lens and Shutter: Krka National Park.Crystal clear water that is so transparent that one can see the river bed or the bottom surface of the river.
Bai R.: Dandelion mood
stefangruber82: Seebensee und Zugspitze
Antonio Chac: Colores del amanecer
stefangruber82: Sonnenspitze und Seebensee mit Schneewand
p.mathias: DSC05936-1
stefangruber82: Seebensee und Drachenkopf
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Mature Galaxy Mesmerizes in New Hubble View
Francis =Photography=: Cascade du Triberg en Forêt noire (Triberger Wasserfälle)
DaRox 2013: Luz estelar...
Francis =Photography=: A la croisée des chemins (at the crossroads)
Francis =Photography=: L'un derrière l'autre à Fribourg-en-Brisgau (One behind the other in Freiburg im Breisgau)
DaRox 2013: El cielo tras las montañas....
*ALLA*: ***
*ALLA*: autumn light
*ALLA*: Take off!
*ALLA*: magnolia
Bai R.: Runaway daughter :)
FernandoRey: Conventillo
stefangruber82: Formarinsee
stefangruber82: Roggalspitze