Marina Frintrop: Rapsfeld am Loch Ryan, Schottland - Rape field close to Kirkcolm, Scotland
Marina Frintrop: Kyle Rhea between Caol Reatha and Glenelg, Scotland - Landschaft bei Kylerhea, Isle of Skye Schottland
Marina Frintrop: Straße nach Kylerhea, Isle of Skye Schottland - Road to Caol Reatha, Highlands Scotland
Marina Frintrop: Corsewall Lighthouse overlooks the North Channel of the Irish Sea, Scotland - Leuchtturm in Schottland
Marina Frintrop: Kyle Rhea - Common Seals, Isle of Skye, Scotland - Robben bei Kylerhea, Schottland
Marina Frintrop: Sunrise in Scotland - Sonnenaufgang in Kylerhea, Isle of Skye Schottland