Marie Stopes International: Installation of solar panels
Marie Stopes International: Before the solar panels were installed the clinics suffered from unstable electricity supply preventing some family planning services being provided
Marie Stopes International: After the installation of the solar panels the access and quality of FP services was greatly improved
Marie Stopes International: MOTIF counsellors busy at work!
Marie Stopes International: The MOTIF team recording voice messages
Marie Stopes International: Presenting the MOTIF project to university students
Marie Stopes International: Basket of goods provided to the Community Health Agents
Marie Stopes International: Community Health Agents out in the community
Marie Stopes International: Community Health Agent selling their products and making referrals
Marie Stopes International: Clinic being rented out-of-hours to specialised doctors
Marie Stopes International: Refurbished clinic space
Marie Stopes International: Clients waiting to be seen by specialised doctors
Marie Stopes International: Launch of the project, attended by the Country Director and Miss Tanzania
Marie Stopes International: The bajaji (tuk tuk) on outreach!
Marie Stopes International: Sexual health education during outreach
Marie Stopes International: Call centre in Viet Nam
Marie Stopes International: Raising awareness about the project in factories where there is high unmet need
Marie Stopes International: Raising awareness about the project in government facilities