mariepoulin: Tom Coates at An Event Apart
mariepoulin: March 29, 2011
mariepoulin: Eric Meyer at An Event Apart
mariepoulin: Eric Meyer at An Event Apart
mariepoulin: IMG_3212
mariepoulin: IMG_3210
mariepoulin: IMG_3209
mariepoulin: Typeoneerror after the AEA Typekit party
mariepoulin: Scrabble + coffee
mariepoulin: Army Surplus store
mariepoulin: Battlestar Galactica exhibit
mariepoulin: IMG_3141
mariepoulin: IMG_3115
mariepoulin: IMG_3105
mariepoulin: IMG_3098
mariepoulin: IMG_3093
mariepoulin: IMG_3091
mariepoulin: IMG_3088
mariepoulin: IMG_3078
mariepoulin: IMG_3077
mariepoulin: IMG_3073
mariepoulin: Just the thing you want to pick up at your local corner store...
mariepoulin: Woohoo, all your vitamins in one place!
mariepoulin: March 26, 2011
mariepoulin: IMG_3052
mariepoulin: IMG_3048
mariepoulin: IMG_3045
mariepoulin: IMG_3043
mariepoulin: IMG_3037
mariepoulin: IMG_3035