marie_g.: Photographs up at Conspire
marie_g.: 1st time showing my photos at Conspire in Phoenix
marie_g.: angel talk
marie_g.: geraldine!!!
marie_g.: future famous photography
marie_g.: collective artists gathered their photographs with a specific theme or no theme at all
marie_g.: summer 2009- a summer of confusion and fun
marie_g.: wall of different perspectives....contrast of b/w and full on color
marie_g.: photography up at conspire.....many different works
marie_g.: DSCN0729
marie_g.: so amazing
marie_g.: the sad ladder
marie_g.: 002497-R1-08-15A
marie_g.: redondo hangout spot...wen i had nothing to do...nowhere to go
marie_g.: the guitar leaf dance
marie_g.: leaves dance with the music
marie_g.: torrance railroad
marie_g.: broken windows leads to stairs
marie_g.: untitled
marie_g.: Torrance railroad crossings