Marie Curie UK:
Andrew McDonald delivered a lecture where he reflected on what he observed and learnt from his many interactions with health services and health professionals. His conclusion was medical professionals should consider the person, not just the condition.
Marie Curie UK:
Dr Jane Collins is Chief Executive of Marie Curie Cancer Care. She feels this is a fantastic opportunity for Marie Curie Cancer Care to play a part in highlighting the importance of a more personalised type of care for people with long term conditions.
Marie Curie UK:
Imelda Redmond is Director of Policy and Public Affairs for Marie Curie. Imelda leads on policy development and public affairs across the UK to highlight issues of importance for people with a terminal illness, alongside their families and carers.
Marie Curie UK:
Jeremy Vine is supporting Marie Curie Cancer Care’s About Me campaign. He thinks the person should be at the centre of the care rather than the condition they have.