Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Four-spotted Footman (male) and Yellow Ophion
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Buff tip and ghostly moth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Eye to eye with elephant hawkmoth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Riband wave (Idaea aversata)
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Buff ermine (Spilosoma luteum)
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Elephant Hawkmoth (Deilephila elpenor)
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Scalloped Hazel (Odontopera bidentata)
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Hummingbird hawkmoth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Four spotted footman (male) and reflections
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Six Spot Burnet moth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Scarlet Tiger No.2 on Hemp Agrimony
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Mint moth and red tailed bumble bee
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Six spot Burnet on clover
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Six Spot Burnet moth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Marion CW (Marion in Cornwall): Viper's Bugloss with Six Spot Burnet