Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Jugando al escondite | Playing hide-and-seek
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo-san ha llegado a casa!! Ringo-san has arrived!!!
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo-san descubre el "American Grab sh" Ringo-san discovers the "american grabsh"
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo-san descubre el sol | Ringo-san discovers the sun
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Lost without Lost ;P
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Cómo de mini es un minidanbo y cómo de petite es una petite? | How mini is a mini danbo and how petite is a petite?
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo-san descubre las gotas de lluvia | Ringo-san discovers the raindrops
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo-san descubre la arena | Ringo-san discovers the sand
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo descubre la melancolía | Ringo discovers the melancholy
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo descubre el alfabeto| Ringo discovers the alphabet
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo descubre la amistad | Ringo discovers the friendship ;)
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo descubre el amor | Ringo discovers love
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Ringo descubre la primavera | Ringo discovers the spring
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Problema técnico | Technical problem