Marianist Family: India Perpetual profession
Marianist Family: Fr. Marty Solma and Bro. Dennis Schmitz - Ranchi, India
Marianist Family: Phoenix Marianist Lay Community
Marianist Family: The new Phoenix Community with other UD Lay Marianists
Marianist Family: Phoenix Community ceremony
Marianist Family: The late Bro. Bob Johns, Bro. Nicholas Rufo and Fr. Bob Backherms 5-09
Marianist Family: Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Bro. Bob Johns and Bro. Jim Droste 3-07
Marianist Family: Fr. Jim Tobin, the late Fr. Bill Wightman, the late Bro. Bill O'Leary, Fr. Oscar Vasquez 8-07
Marianist Family: Bro. Bill O'Leary, Marianus Lugun 7-06
Marianist Family: Bro. Bill O'Leary, Debbie Sesek 2-07 Dallas
Marianist Family: Bro. Len Rudy with Gracie
Marianist Family: Bro. Len Rudy renewing vows
Marianist Family: Bro. Len Rudy, Mary Kay Fitzpatrick 3-06
Marianist Family: Bro. Len Rudy with students in Lima, Peru early 1970s
Marianist Family: The late Fr. Joe Marshall and Fr. Joe Uvietta 5-10
Marianist Family: Fr. Joseph Mary Marshall - Jubilee 2010
Marianist Family: Fr. Joseph Marshall at St Mary Magdalen 11-06
Marianist Family: The late Fr. Jack McGrath with pals at Provincial Office
Marianist Family: Fr. Jack McGrath in Deepahalli, India
Marianist Family: Bro. Saju Chittadiyil with Fr. Jack McGrath
Marianist Family: Fr. Jack McGrath (left) with REDS staff
Marianist Family: Memorial to Fr. Jack McGrath - India
Marianist Family: Christmas greetings from Honolulu!
Marianist Family: Bro. Bob Flaherty (second from right) with Moeller students