Mariam Farooq:
Golden Triangle No.1
Mariam Farooq:
Golden Triangle No.2
Mariam Farooq:
Golden Triangle No.3
Mariam Farooq:
Golden Triangle No.4
Mariam Farooq:
pick your path
Mariam Farooq:
pit stop
Mariam Farooq:
Please Dispose In The Trase - Can Not The Toilet
Mariam Farooq:
Golden Triangle No.5 - fabulous
Mariam Farooq:
crazy shit in the whiskey bottle, Laos
Mariam Farooq:
oh, let's free this owl #fail
Mariam Farooq:
owl life style
Mariam Farooq:
People No.1
Mariam Farooq:
my favorites, Elaine and Eric
Mariam Farooq:
People No.2
Mariam Farooq:
She's a saint
Mariam Farooq:
Mariam Farooq:
Mariam Farooq:
making paper!
Mariam Farooq:
Mariam Farooq:
your biceps look like bananas.
Mariam Farooq:
hey, look