Marlis1: monumental stone walls
Marlis1: I don't sit here after a snowfall....
Marlis1: frozen beauty
Marlis1: foggy morning
Marlis1: Herbés- country charm
Marlis1: olive flowers
Marlis1: not your average garden
Marlis1: ripe olives
Marlis1: Morruda olives
Marlis1: olives
Marlis1: bancales Vall Cervera
Marlis1: Olive flowers and fruit
Marlis1: Calaceite
Marlis1: my own olives
Marlis1: olive grove
Marlis1: yellow carpets
Marlis1: olive trees
Marlis1: old olive tree
Marlis1: old olive tree
Marlis1: ancient tree
Marlis1: 1000 years and counting
Marlis1: 1000 year old olive tree
Marlis1: one thousand and counting
Marlis1: finca near Tortosa
Marlis1: a bit quirky
Marlis1: January day
Marlis1: more urns
Marlis1: how is this for size?
Marlis1: anvil cloud in April near Tortosa
Marlis1: giant bonsais