Marlis1: autumn
Marlis1: winterwheat
Marlis1: a nice place in the country
Marlis1: Ermita La Balma (Wallfahrtskapelle)
Marlis1: the country road
Marlis1: the light at the end of the tunnel
Marlis1: crossing a bridge
Marlis1: the old road
Marlis1: Peñagalera
Marlis1: Olfen
Marlis1: as far as the eye can see
Marlis1: road to mont caro
Marlis1: sunday hike
Marlis1: road to Covalta canyon
Marlis1: finca near Tortosa
Marlis1: hairpin curves
Marlis1: country roads
Marlis1: Ebro Delta
Marlis1: roadside market
Marlis1: Covalta Canyon road
Marlis1: autumn
Marlis1: old olive tree
Marlis1: rosemary and heather
Marlis1: just married
Marlis1: holly tree
Marlis1: a place in the country
Marlis1: country roads
Marlis1: autumn day
Marlis1: sunset walk
Marlis1: green path