Maaike Putman: Marbleman.
Maaike Putman: The lonesome green bird of Via Belpoggio Triëste.
Maaike Putman: Il non-incontro : Castello Miramare Triëste Explored
Maaike Putman: La piccola barca
Maaike Putman: Welcome at the inaugurazione at Triëste on Saturday 20 october - 6 o 'clock at the Magazzino delle Idee.
Maaike Putman: Au revoir Wunderkammer Triëste!
Maaike Putman: La piccola barca
Maaike Putman: Cinderella don't be depressed! .
Maaike Putman: la la la musica !
Maaike Putman: Il Mare Adriatico Triëste "Explored"
Maaike Putman: My flights of fancy have landed safely at the "Magazzino delle Idee" in Triëste and left again on monday the 5 th of november 2012
Maaike Putman: Canal grande Triëste(Explored)
Maaike Putman: Save the last dance for me
Maaike Putman: The composer composes something beautiful for you on this sunday!
Maaike Putman: A head in Triëste
Maaike Putman: Una serata nel teatro
Maaike Putman: The soloist.
Maaike Putman: Proposal "Explored"
Maaike Putman: The parting glass
Maaike Putman: My flight to Triëste
Maaike Putman: Il concerto oggi nella sala del trono
Maaike Putman: Two more days before leaving The Magazzino delle Idee at Triëste
Maaike Putman: Leaving Triëste for Amsterdam.
Maaike Putman: Flying back.
Maaike Putman: Listening at two angels at Museo Sartorio Triëste.
Maaike Putman: They rang the bell ( softly) for the 175.000 th visitor. Thank you all very much!
Maaike Putman: Leda and her neighbour in museo Sartorio Triëste
Maaike Putman: Declaration of love
Maaike Putman: Briefly in love.