♥Margot♥: I'm to Romania(28-09 t/m 2-10)helping challenged communities .
♥Margot♥: Houses for the poorest people.
♥Margot♥: Happyness!
♥Margot♥: Happy gipsy-girl.
♥Margot♥: Gipsy-boys saying "hello".
♥Margot♥: Going home....
♥Margot♥: Sky in Romania.
♥Margot♥: One of the houses a gipsy-family live in.
♥Margot♥: Gipsywoman with child.
♥Margot♥: LOVE....
♥Margot♥: After we gave the people clothes for wintertime.....
♥Margot♥: Shopping.....
♥Margot♥: People waving ....
♥Margot♥: I'm back from Romania........
♥Margot♥: Gipsy-boy from Romania.
♥Margot♥: Gipsy boy.
♥Margot♥: More gipsy-boys wanted me to take pictures.
♥Margot♥: Blow the balloon.
♥Margot♥: The way of living I saw in Romania.