MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 1 Journey with the Light with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 01 Look at the Stars with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 02 Taking Flight with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 02 thINK Positive with Andrea Gomoll
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 03 The Person I Know Best with Misty Mawn
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 04 Stick them Figures with Mandy van Goeije
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 05 Paint Your Intention with Wendy Brightbill
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 06 Song of Me with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 07 Pat Pat with Donna Mulholland
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 08 Light of Gratitude with Jamie Dougherty
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 09 Shading and Highlighting with Vicky P
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 09 Flowers of Gratitude with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 10 Roots Down Branches UP with Effy Wild
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 11 Solid Ground with Lindsay Weirich
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 12 Crystal Heart with Susana Tavares
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 13 Soulful You with Annie Hamman
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 14 Gifts in our Stories with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 15 Honouring Your Story with Jodi Ohl
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 16 Letting Your Story Surface with Mandy van Goeije
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 17 Give Your Story to Wisdom with Tam Laporte
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 18 Unleash the Warrior with Amber Kuileimailani Bonnicci
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 19 Less is More with Melissa Dinwiddie 1
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 19 Less is More with Melissa Dinwiddie 2
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 19 Less is More with Melissa Dinwiddie 3
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 20 Letting Go Through Layers with Jennifer Mercedes
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 21 Create Something Every Day with Vicki Papaioannou
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 22 Self Discovery with Leilani Joy
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 23 From Blurts to Bouguets with Effy Wild
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 24 Fertilizer for Your Creativity with Julie Fei Fan Balzer
MargotChris: LB2017 Wk 25 Landscape of Self Love with Tracy Verdugo