margotbianca: little sprinker under the burlap
margotbianca: pitter pat
margotbianca: covering the stumps with a burlap
margotbianca: last layer of straw...
margotbianca: more straw
margotbianca: spreading the mushroom spawn
margotbianca: evenly
margotbianca: covering the spawn with straw
margotbianca: sprinkling the first layer of spawn
margotbianca: kitty-inspection of the shade cloth
margotbianca: breaking up the spawn
margotbianca: little kitty, snacking on grass
margotbianca: the musroom garden with one layer of straw
margotbianca: big kitty overseeing the mushrooms
margotbianca: the sand is keeping the submerged logs upright
margotbianca: the new mushroom garden