margonaut: almost there!
margonaut: Molly & Pixie
margonaut: what time is it?
margonaut: clock
margonaut: signpost
margonaut: Pamela and Briden behind the scenes
margonaut: Mary Ellen's truck
margonaut: gate crew
margonaut: galactic stewardess
margonaut: gate crew
margonaut: FISH
margonaut: gate crew
margonaut: gate crew
margonaut: gate crew
margonaut: Pam paints
margonaut: Manuel with rope
margonaut: happy to be here
margonaut: parking lot
margonaut: "Hug me"
margonaut: "I love life"
margonaut: party pathway
margonaut: Have Faith
margonaut: Kisses are great
margonaut: gateway to "Why Not?"
margonaut: beautiful BC scenery
margonaut: road with red tent
margonaut: red tent banner
margonaut: dome and mountains
margonaut: self portrait
margonaut: campground sign with buddha head & cow weathervane