nathalierainbaux: mosque in full glory
nathalierainbaux: hassan II mosquee
nathalierainbaux: one of the doors of the mosque
nathalierainbaux: one of the doors of the mosque
nathalierainbaux: way to the entry of the mosque
nathalierainbaux: details of fountain
nathalierainbaux: fountains outside
nathalierainbaux: foutain with the irish clan
nathalierainbaux: top of fountain
nathalierainbaux: beautıfully decorated column
nathalierainbaux: walls decorations
nathalierainbaux: taps and sink in the hammam
nathalierainbaux: on the way to the hammam
nathalierainbaux: another room in the hammam
nathalierainbaux: colourful columns
nathalierainbaux: columns agaın
nathalierainbaux: ladies toilett
nathalierainbaux: maın prayer hall
nathalierainbaux: prayer hall
nathalierainbaux: heavily carved supportıng columns ın maın prayer wall
nathalierainbaux: wall of prayer hall
nathalierainbaux: ceılıng ın a ceılıng, maın prayer hall
nathalierainbaux: wooden carved ceılıng in main prayer hall
nathalierainbaux: wooden carved ceılıng of maın prayer hall
nathalierainbaux: detaıls of psychedelic patterns
nathalierainbaux: details of zelligs
nathalierainbaux: detaıls of zellıgs
nathalierainbaux: close up of psychedelics pattern