Margarets Photos: Wildflower
Margarets Photos: Wildflower
Margarets Photos: IMG_20151211_183705
Margarets Photos: IMG_20151211_183343
Margarets Photos: IMG722 - edited - Happy New Year 2016!
Margarets Photos: DSC_0398 - Begonia blossoms
Margarets Photos: DSC_0399 - Orange and purple
Margarets Photos: Fake roses - edited
Margarets Photos: Frangipani glow
Margarets Photos: Postcards from the past - A
Margarets Photos: Postcard from the past - B
Margarets Photos: DSC00254 - edited 3
Margarets Photos: Rose in pink and blue tones - DSC00254 - edited resized
Margarets Photos: DSC00299 - edited and resized
Margarets Photos: Frangipani play - DSC_0843 - edited cropped and resized
Margarets Photos: PICT0164 cropped 2 edited resized
Margarets Photos: Pattersons curse and log - DSC04976 edited and resized
Margarets Photos: DSC04881 edited and resized
Margarets Photos: DSC04884 edited resized
Margarets Photos: Life finds a way to flourish even in the hardest of situations.
Margarets Photos: Take one bunch of white flowers and add some filters
Margarets Photos: Two tone rose - DSC00145
Margarets Photos: Like a water lily out of water - DSC06139
Margarets Photos: Pink and blue - DSC06062