Marg and Barry H: A new helmet ...
Marg and Barry H: Playing the jelly bean guessing game!
Marg and Barry H: Learning to separate egg whites from yokes!
Marg and Barry H: Making bread!
Marg and Barry H: Checking out all her wheels!
Marg and Barry H: Grey Whale skeleton.
Marg and Barry H: Giant Pacific Octopus
Marg and Barry H: "Touch" sea life pond
Marg and Barry H: Baby sea cucumber
Marg and Barry H: Fish and chip lunch
Marg and Barry H: Enjoying the hot tub
Marg and Barry H: Slurping spaghetti!
Marg and Barry H: ...let's build ....
Marg and Barry H: ..... and
Marg and Barry H: ..... still lots more to do!
Marg and Barry H: Bedtime stories
Marg and Barry H: Checking the mail!
Marg and Barry H: Off to buy a couple of fish for the pond
Marg and Barry H: How's this one?
Marg and Barry H: Bruiser and Mohawk are now in there new home along with Beard and Moustache!!
Marg and Barry H: Getting harnessed up!
Marg and Barry H: Walking the mesh!
Marg and Barry H: Launching the boat
Marg and Barry H: Getting ready to go out ....
Marg and Barry H: Grumpers and Emily
Marg and Barry H: Instructions from Larry... 'cos he knows all about fishing!
Marg and Barry H: Away we go ...