Marga Rarity: Alexander Column
Marga Rarity: Palace Square
Marga Rarity: St. Michael's Castle
Marga Rarity: Griboedov Canal
Marga Rarity: Pushkin monument
Marga Rarity: Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Marga Rarity: The great Dome of Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Marga Rarity: Kazan Cathedral
Marga Rarity: Atlantes of the New Hermitage
Marga Rarity: The Bronze Horseman
Marga Rarity: Singer House (detail)
Marga Rarity: Peterhof
Marga Rarity: Peterhof
Marga Rarity: Peterhof
Marga Rarity: Peterhof
Marga Rarity: Peterhof
Marga Rarity: When It's Over
Marga Rarity: Sewer Sickness
Marga Rarity: Michelangelo "Crouching Boy"
Marga Rarity: Death of Adonis (fragment)
Marga Rarity: Girl and scorpio
Marga Rarity: Charites
Marga Rarity: Cupid and Psyche
Marga Rarity: Cupid and Psyche