mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty sitting behind me...the paw periodically swatting at the bun in my hair. God she's so bored... #ThisCatCracksMeUp #BlackCatsAreGoodLuck #boredkitty #blackcatsaremagic #TypicalSaturdayMorningAtOurHouse
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Rainy Sunday morning...and I am bored again. #BoredKitty #BlackCatsAreGoodLuck
mardi linane digital american modernist:
I am so bored with you and your paparazzi behaviors! #boredkitty #blackcatsaremagic #papparazziforkitty
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty has had about enough of your laundry human! #boredkittycat #boredkitty #makittehsobored #blackcatsaremagic #blackcatsaregoodluck #lovemybitchykitty #laundry #stuffonmycat
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty is not very helpful with paperwork. #boredkitty #blackcatsaregoodluck #cutekitty #nothelpfulkitty
mardi linane digital american modernist:
That feeling when you are sleeping and feel someone watching you. #boredkitty #wakeuphuman
mardi linane digital american modernist:
I lay on the very edge of the bed and yet I am surprised when I fall asleep and forget I am on the edge and fall off the bed, sometimes tearing the silk sheets in the process of catching myself. #cats #destructovekitty
mardi linane digital american modernist:
This is as close as you get hooman.
mardi linane digital american modernist:
I have all the pillows yet I am still bored. #kittykittykitty #blackcatsaregoodluck #boredkitty
mardi linane digital american modernist:
The bored with you. LOL
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty says 'Don't hate me because I am beautiful.' #hilariouskitty #boredkitty #blackcatsaregoodluck #kittykittykitty
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Someone ignored me as I tried to finish making the bed. If I don't see you, you will go away! Go away!
mardi linane digital american modernist:
I love super furry kitty toes!
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty is ignoring the world today. Hilarious black cat. #blackcatsaregoodluck
mardi linane digital american modernist:
This cat has filtered water two feet away...#filteredwatersucksapparently
mardi linane digital american modernist:
When you can't finish making the bed because someone is just waking up 3 pm. #mustbenice #lifeofcats
mardi linane digital american modernist:
When you wake up and stretch and don't realize there is a cat tucked under the pillows until she swats your outstretched hand. SURPRISE...KITTY!
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty thinks she is invisible. HA. #funnycat #kitty #kittycat #kittypost
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty barely enjoys the morning sun...yawn.
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Bored kitty doesn't care photo bomb! Lol
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Kitty is bored. Still. Lol
mardi linane digital american modernist:
Kitty, bored again. Lol. At least she can sleep, I have jury duty...the human version of bored. Will entertain myself posting food pics!